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Pharmacoracle - a REST API based on the OWLAPI
The Pharmacoracle contains OWL ontologies that are based on CPIC recommendations provided by PharmGKB, and which have been further curated to fit the needs of the Department of Pharmacology at Oslo University Hospital.
Queries to Pharmacoracle are written in the [ Manchester syntax] in the same way as for the [ DL Query Tab] of [https://protege.stanford. edu/ Stanford's desktop Protégé].  ==Hints on how to use it==In order to do queries to an OWL ontology we need to know the names of the elements in the OWL ontologies(publication of this is still pending). In addition we need to know the Manchester expressions of cardinality that are used to connect OWL Properties and OWL Classes, in particular:
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For each query we add a code word to indicate the relationship between our query and the desired answer (cf. the DL Query tab in the desktop version of Stanford's Protégé), as explained in this table:
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In order to query the Pharmacoracle automatically, we have make made a Python script [[Pharmacolyzer]] that returns dosing recommendation based on a [[Pharmacotyper|pharmacotyped]] patient VCF.
===Examples of use===